I'm Listening...

It's often been mentioned I pause too long before responding when someone has presented their question, problem, issue, or comment. My answer is always the same: there will be silence so I can answer. I need to process the information, formulate my response and create the follow-up. No talking, no interrupting, just thinking. And it does take a minute. When someone is talking, I'm actively listening to what they're saying and taking in the details. THEN I start deciding on my reply. And this is what I do with everyone - using this technique ensures I have captured the intent and need of the speaker and 99% of the time, the result is positive. I get it right the first time - it's efficient and effective and shows respect to the speaker, even if there is a little bit of "dead air".

So...if you need help, have a question or are just wondering what Mission RCM is about, send a note to me at jenny@missionrcm.com. I'll listen.
